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Dr. L Sivaneswaran
Consultant Urologist and Head of Urology, Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh, Perak Malaysia.,
Dr. L.Sivaneswaran is the consultant urologist and head of urology from Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh, Perak Malaysia.

He graduated from Melaka Manipal Medical University in 2005 and completed his masters of general surgery with University Malaya in 2014. He served as a general surgeon in Taiping before joining the urology program 2 years later.

He went on to complete his training under the Malaysian Board of Urology and secured his urology fellowship with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow in 2019. He later pursued a clinical urology fellowship at The Alfred, Melbourne in 2021.

Dr.Siva then returned to Malaysia in 2022 to serve in Ipoh as Perak state’s 1st resident urologist. He has since setup the unit which also serves as a urology training centre. He has numerous publications to his name and has won many international accolades for research presentations. In 2023 he was awarded the Fellowship Ed Eundem and admitted as Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland for his decade long academic contributions to the college.

Dr.Siva is also the pioneer of prostate cancer focal therapy in Malaysia using HIFU with the largest case series in south east asia. He plans to expand the interest and services across the region, as part of the Asian Focal Therapy Society