The Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of free communication abstracts for presentation at the 33rd Malaysian Urological Conference. FREE COMMUNICATIONS could be in the following modes of presentation:
- E-Poster
- Video
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15th September 2024
- No limit is imposed on the number of abstracts submitted.
- Abstracts must be submitted in ENGLISH. Authors must ensure that abstracts are submitted with no spelling errors and grammatically correct English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject any abstract in poor English or request for revision. Whenever necessary, the committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for spelling and grammar.
- Submissions of abstracts must be accompanied by payment of registration fees. If the abstract is subsequently not accepted or withdrawn by the author, registration fees may be refunded in accordance with the cancellation policy.
- Authors can choose 2 modes of presentation:
- E-poster – interactive e-poster accompanied with a voice-over of maximum 3 minutes duration. It will be displayed online in the MUC website.
- Video – video of maximum 10 minutes duration. It will displayed online in the MUC website.
- Upon selection, a notification of acceptance will be sent to authors. This will be followed by scheduling details and guidelines for the final preparation of abstracts. Those shortlisted for prizes will be contacted for a virtual judging session.
- The abstract should not be more than 250 words
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15th September 2024.
Structure of abstracts
Abstracts should comprise the following elements, with each beginning a new paragraph:
- Title: The abstract title should be in initial capital/lower case, not all capitals.
- Authors: Authors names should be supplied in the surname-last format and should be in initial capital/lower case, not all capitals. Institutional affiliations should be indicated with superscript numbers following the author name.
- Affiliation: All affiliations should contain institution, city and country.
- Abstract text: Sub-headings e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions may be included if required.
- References: (optional) References can be included in the abstract text or as a list following the abstract. The style of the references should follow the style of the Journal e.g. numbered or author/date style. Any references included in a reference list must be cited within the abstract text.
Leave one line between the title/author/institution and the body of the abstract. Use of graphs, illustrations or tables are not permitted. Please ensure that all special characters / symbols are retained in the electronic copy.
Video Submission
IN addition to an abstract, videos must be uploaded prior to the submission deadline in order to be considered. All videos must be in the final format and include the exact title in the submission title.
The video must be blinded for review; no author names, patient names, affiliations, and faces should be visible. Maximum duration of video is 10 minutes. Any commentary must be in English.
Should music be used, it is the responsibility of the author to obtain the necessary permission and copyright.