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Professor Dr. Akio Horiguchi
Professor of Urology, National Defense Medical College,
Dr. Akio Horiguchi, Professor of Urology at the National Defense Medical College, specializes in reconstructive urology. He holds an MD from Keio University. Dr. Horiguchi directs the Trauma Reconstruction Department at his college and is the Education Director for Trauma, Emergency, and Reconstruction at the Japanese Urological Association. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and received multiple awards, including the Best Presentation Award from the Japanese Urological Association. Dr. Horiguchi is recognized for his research in urethral stricture and urotrauma and is an active member of several international and Japanese urological associations.
  • Day 2, 23 Nov 2024 (0830 - 0845) @ Main Hall
    Management of Short Bulbar Urethral Stricture: When to transect and when not to transect
    Plenary 6 : Reconstruction